Compare business loans

Why you should compare business loans

Not all business loans are created equally.
With the business loan calculator, you can quickly and easily get an idea of what a business loan can cost. By entering the loan amount, term and interest rate, you can directly see the total cost of a loan, and thus make a more fair evaluation of various offers.

The type of amortization, additional fees and terms may differ between different lenders. In addition, interest rates can be presented in different ways: for example, some lenders show a monthly interest rate, while others use an annual interest rate. Hence, why some loan offers appear cheaper than they are.

Therefore, when comparing business loans, it is important to:

Look at the total cost, not just the interest rate.

Check for set-up fees or other hidden fees.

Ensure that the terms of the loan are transparent and clear.

När du jämför företagslån

Titta på den totala kostanden, inte bara räntesatsen
Kontrollera om det finns avgifter eller andra dolda kostnader
Säkerställ att lånevillkoren är transparenta och tydliga

How Froda works

A woman holding a phone looking at the Froda app
Adjust to your needs
Chose amount, term & amortization
A photo of frodas transparent terms
Transparent terms
Free from hidden fees
Complete control
Increase or pay off your loan easily

Business loans lack set standards

Unlike consumer loans, business loans lack rules regarding pricing, terms and marketing. Instead, it's the lender who decides how these should be designed and presented, and it's common that hidden fees and price embellishment occur. As a business owner, it can therefore be difficult to know what a loan actually costs, and even harder to evaluate different lenders.

By comparing business loans and being meticulous with the details, you can avoid unexpected costs and find the loan that is best for your business.